NDIS Support

The National Disability Insurance Scheme is a scheme initiated by the Australian Government with the intention of providing individualised supports to people with a permanent and significant disability. This includes conditions such as intellectual disability, physical disability, sensory and psycho-social disabilities. The NDIA is the National Disability Insurance Agency, this is a government department set up with the key function of overseeing and managing participants, the planning process and their funding.

How Do I Prepare for The NDIS?

Before your NDIS planning meeting, you need to get prepared, as this is a such a beneficial process for participants and carers and is known as pre-planning. What is it that you really want from life? What experiences do you want to have, what activities do you want to try and what goals do you want to achieve?

Try to identify your aspirations and goals as well as the services you require to support you in your everyday life. As you go through a planning process it is about stretching your expectations of what is possible.

How do I start maximising my NDIS Plan?

At Anala we are supporting people and families to understand the pathways to access the NDIS. Through person centred planning we support people to develop lifestyle goals and understanding the supports and services they require to achieve their goals.

Once you have your NDIS Plan it is time to begin implementing your plan.

Give one of our friendly staff a call and they can support you to initiate your plan today.

Our Commitment

Anala are committed to providing high-quality person-centred services which means keeping the person at the centre of all decision making and service provision.

We support people to implement their NDIS plan by coordinating their services and monitoring their interventions and ensuring they are having the right supports, at the right time, by the right people.

We recognise that no one service can provide everything to one person, so we support people to link in with the right services that meet their unique set of circumstances.

In addition, we believe that knowledge is empowering and support individuals to be armed with the information they need.

We are a registered NDIS provider. Registration Number: 4050004889

Contact Anala today - live life your way

Phone 02 4872 4371 or email
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